Energy Consumption Prediction App
With the help of Deep Learning we can predict the energy consumption and deliver only that much energy which is needed and hence contriute towards energy conservation.
keras Sensors environment energy power
Age And Gender Prediction App
Age and Gender has always been an important feature of our identity. It is also an important factor in our social life. Predictions of age and Gender made with AI can be applied to many areas such as intelligent human-machine interface development, security, cosmetics, electronic commerce.
vision tinyML keras CNN gender
Sonar Data Recognition App
Sonar has been widely used in submarine navigation, communication with or detection of objects on or underthe water surface (like other vessels), hazard identification etc. Neural networks can be used to automate the process of identifying the objects from which the waves bounced off.
keras Sensors sonar signals navigation
Epileptic Seizure Recognition App
A sudden rush of electric activity in the brain is called a seizure. Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder causing involuntory, recurrent seizures. Deep learning can be used to detect and monitor seizures in patients and IoT provides an ease of integration with the existing health system and patient wearability.
tinyML keras Sensors EEG signal
Fetal Health Detection App
Cardiotocography (CTG) is the means of measuring the fetal heart rate, movements and uterine contractions, thus continuously monitoring the health of the mother and child. Deep learning models can be used to detect fetal health in order to prevent child and maternal mortality.
keras Sensors signal medical fetus
Gender Recognition By Voice App
Recognizing the speaker's gender is useful in automatic salutations, tagging audio recordings, seperating sounds belonging to a specific gender for analysis, etc. that can help digital personal assistants in reproducing male, female generic results.
tinyML speech keras voice gender